It’s not every day that a city the size of Lake Worth Beach (Population 42,496, Survey July 1, 2021) can be Number 1 in the United States.
Yet, that’s exactly what happened when Judy Love from the Public Works Water Department, placed the very first order for a newly filed Patent Pending product, the Duro-Disk™, a Porcelain on Stainless Steel 4” Diameter disk with the message, “NO DUMPING DRAINS TO WATERWAY”, in its center is the Great Seal of Lake Worth Beach in full color.
Designed to inform the Public Not to Dump pollutants such as fertilizers, pesticides, oils, salt, liter and other debris or sediments in their yards, as they settle and remain until a storm event washes them into nearby Storm Drains.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) on January 1, 2023, issued Stormwater Phase II Final Rule, a Directive to all MS4s cities to begin the marking of all Storm Drains with sidewalks to inform and educate the public of the Non-Source Pollution that drains into local waterways from our driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and streets.
Storm drain water does not go to a treatment plant, but flows untreated directly to Lake Worth Lagoon, this pollution causes fish kills and wildlife habitats decline, contamination of drinking water supplies and recreational waterways that threaten public health.
What sets the Duro-Disk™ Storm Drain Markers apart from all others is that the image is Fused Glass-Porcelain on an embossed stainless-steel base fired at 1,400º F, its copy and colors will never fade are impervious to the elements of weather and chemicals they have a Life Expectancy of 50 years, installation is with Epoxy or Construction Adhesives.
Manufactured by Almetek Industries Inc. and Lordon Incorporated, located in Hackettstown, New Jersey.
The Public Works Department of Lake Worth Beach have installed 1,000 of these Duro-Disk™ Storm Drain Markers.