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Post: Case Study: Tillsonburg Hydro

Tillsonburg Hydro was doing an upgrade on street lights, (LED installment). They used this larger project, as an opportunity to also identify and mark the streetlight poles for asset identification. They wanted something that looked nice, but was also extremely durable.

They decided on a long term, durable material, that also had a barcode, for future data-capturing programs down the road. The bar code will not fade for a minimum of 30 years, which gives them plenty of time to develop a future bar code tracking program. Because they had a number of steel/composite poles, Almetek cut slots for use with traditional banding straps (also made by Almetek).

About Metalphoto:

When discussing marking utility assets for long term outdoor use, metalphoto is an excellent material option. The material has been used extensively in military markets since the 1960ā€™s. This is the material that is used to mark components in space shuttles, navy ships, and Boeing jets.

Where a highly detailed graphic (intricate logo or barcode) is required to be legible for a minimum of 30 years outdoors, along with high heat resistance, abrasion resistance and chemical resistance, then this is an appropriate option.

Utility applications may include:

  • pole marking
  • pad-mount equipment asset tracking with barcode
  • meter badges
  • nameplates
  • equipment component labels
  • machine panel serial numbering
  • aerial markers (transmission)
  • valve marking

Slightly more expensive than aluminum, but lasts at least 3X longer. The only limitation is that you cannot do colour with this material (no Danger – Warning signs). For that, suggest porcelain (40 years).

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